The REC Foundation has created numerous resources and tools to assist Event Partners (EP) in planning successful Aerial Drone Competition (ADC) events. This checklist is intended to provide a concise overview of what goes into planning and hosting an ADC event. It also serves as a general guide to assist you in planning your event from start to finish with “No detail left behind!”
We encourage you to both consult with your Regional Support Manager (RSM) and use this checklist while planning and implementing your event.
Welcome to the REC Foundation family!
RECF Library for Event Partners
The RECF Library - Aerial Drone Competition - Event Partners and Volunteers provides detailed information on all aspects of planning and implementation of a successful Aerial Drone Competition Event: Getting Started, Planning, Running Events, Tournament Manager, Volunteers, Using Robotevents.com, and EP Resources and Reference.
First Steps
- Complete the Aerial Drone Competition Event Partner Interest Form
- Contact your RSM
- Save your RSM’s contact information in your phone and email contact list
- Discuss the need for events in your region
- Discuss the types of events
- Tournaments
- Showcase Events
- Signature Events
- Championships
- Discuss the needed resources
- Staffing
- Equipment
- Venue
- Review the webinar and slides “Hosting an Aerial Drone Competition”
- Review event videos from past events
- Review Becoming an Aerial Drone Competition Event Partner
- Familiarize yourself with Competition Day Basics for Event Partners
- Create an account in RobotEvents (RE), if you don’t already have one
- Complete the Background Check in RE, if needed
- Gain first hand knowledge of hosting an Aerial Drone Competition
- Sign up your event planning team to Volunteer at an event in the following roles (No experience required)
- Judge
- Skills Referee/Scorekeeper
- Tournament Manager (TM) Operator
- Job shadow the Event Partner
- Assemble your team of Key Volunteers
- Sign up your event planning team to Volunteer at an event in the following roles (No experience required)
Initial Event Planning Stage
Determine the Who? What? When? Where? and How?
- Determine the type of event you would like to host, i.e. Tournament, League, Scrimmage, Signature Event, Showcase Event, Championship
- Select and reserve the venue for event
- Secure dates, including time for set up and tear down.
- Work with your RSM to coordinate dates with other events in your region
- Determine event capacity
- Create an an event budget
- Create an agenda - Sample Agendas
- Determine if/how you will offer food and/or concessions
- Determine the Judging format for your event, .i.e. in person, remote, or hybrid
- Review the Guide to Judging
- Determine which Judged Awards you will offer ( consult with your RSM)
- Create a layout of your venue - consider traffic flow and crowd control when doing so
- Be sure to include:
- Head table (TM computer, Audio equipment, Printer*)
- Competition fields with queuing tables
- Skill fields with queuing tables
- Screens, projectors for field timers and Audience Display
- Spectator seating
- Pit areas
Flight Test Area and/or practice fields
- Screens and projectors for Pit Display
- Check in table
- Inspection stations
- Judges’ deliberation room
- Volunteer hospitality room
- Concession stand
- Stanchions/rope to control access/ traffic to and from fields
- Be sure to include:
- Other Considerations:
- Determine if/how you will offer food and/or concessions
- Parking
- Determine if you will livestream the event
- Local attractions, restaurants, hotels for visiting teams
- Volunteer T-shirts
- Event T-shirts
- Swag Bags
- Exhibitor area
- Guest speaker
- Post your event on RE - Posting an Event on Robotevents.com
- Contact your RSM for final event approval and with any questions you may have.
Two to Three Months Before the Event
- Confirm your reservation for the venue
- Review the layout plan with your RSM
- Create a detailed plan for the concession stand and hospitality food service for volunteers
- Promote your event with local media, school district, and social media outlets
- Determine how many fields and game element sets you will need
- Make arrangements to secure fields and game elements (purchase or borrow)
- Secure electronics needed for the event. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Laptop or desktop computer with TM software;* (additional computers may be required for larger events or multi-divisional events*
- Ethernet port switch
- WiFi connection for teams
- Wireless router for mobile scoring devices
- Mobile devices for scoring
- Printer to use at the scoring table, along with a connector cable, extra toner, and paper
- Projector and/or screen for an audience display; * additional displays may be required for larger events*
- Laptops or Raspberry Pis and Monitors for additional displays (Field Timers, Skills Timers, Pit displays)
- Audio system for announcements and playing match sounds (connected to main TM computer)
- Mobile devices for scoring
- Live streaming equipment
- Discuss additional equipment needs with your RSM
- Order trophies and banners
- Review event listing on Robotevents.com with your RSM, confirm details are correct. Provide any updates
- Invite special guests and sponsors to the event
- Recruit key volunteers and share volunteer resources and training certifications:
- Begin recruiting additional volunteers and share volunteer resources; refer to the Volunteer Roles Overview for a list of volunteers needed and where to find training resources
- Order Volunteer shirts (optional)
Additional Items
One Month Before the Event
- Reach out to your RSM and discuss any concerns or questions about your event
- Update/confirm your agenda to guide teams and volunteers through the event day
- Reserve 2-way radios or establish some other method for event-day staff communication
- Create a safety plan and share it with local emergency and/or security service providers
- Coordinate event-day custodial services to keep areas clean and well stocked with paper supplies
- If playing music, create a playlist that is appropriate for all ages and ensure you have the proper licenses to play selected music
- Arrange for event photography
- Share photos/videos with your RSM and your community
- Promote your event and send out press release(s)
- Continue to recruit volunteers
- Ensure your Head Referee and Judge Advisor have completed their volunteer certifications
- Add your Head Referee and Judge Advisor to your RE event listing
- Encourage Scorekeeper Referees to read the competition manual and complete the Head Referee certification (optional) or at least become familiar with the game and rules
- Encourage Judges to read the Guide to Judging and complete certification (optional) or at least become familiar with the judging process and rubrics
- Assemble Field Elements/Game Objects/PVC
- Confirm trophies
- Confirm all needed equipment (including fields, field elements, electronics, computers, projectors, PA system)
Additional Items
One to Two Weeks Before the Event
- Reach out to your RSM and discuss any concerns or questions about your event
- Confirm all venue details with the venue coordinator
- Have an emergency contact for the facility in case of emergency or miscommunication
- Confirm concession stand details
- Order food and beverages for your setup and event-day volunteers (Well cared-for volunteers like to volunteer again!)
- Email volunteers details about the event
- Confirm volunteers have reviewed the training documents needed for their role
- Create name tags for volunteers
- If volunteer T-shirts are ordered, confirm delivery and/or organize shirts
- Email registered teams with final event details and any last-minute instructions
- Purchase and organize supplies:
- Pens, self-stick notes, highlighters, paper, stapler, scissors, clipboards, and tape
- Gaffers/Wrestling Tape is a great option for securing electrical cords to walls and floors as it doesn’t leave a residue
- If using a wireless microphone, purchase extra batteries
- Create Welcome Packets for each team with pertinent information about the event’s agenda and procedure
- Guide to Judging - have computer with web access available for Judges to review the Guide as needed
- Print and make copies of Judging Materials
- Award Descriptions – 1 copy
- Judge Sign in Sheet – 1 copy
- Volunteer Field Note to Judges- 1 for each 10 teams
- Judge Note to missed teams – 1 for each 10 teams
- Competition Logbook Rubric - 1 per team
- Team Interview Rubric – 1 per team
- Team Interview Notes- 1 per Judge
- Initial Award Candidate Ranking Sheet– 1 per Judge
- Final Award Nominee Ranking Sheet- 1 copy
- Interview Tips and Sample Questions – 1 per Judge
- Code of Conduct- 1 per Judge
- Student Centered Policy- 1 per Judge
- Print and make copies of Event Documents
- Current Version of the Competition Manual - print in color– 1 copy for Head Referee
- Score Sheets – if using tablets to score, you only need to print a few in case of connectivity issues; if you are using paper scoring, you’ll need to print enough for all matches including Finals/Eliminations and Skills matches
- Head Referee Anomaly Log – 1 copy (this can be printed from Tournament Manager)
- Flight Clearance Inspection – 1 per team
- Pre-Flight Checklist - 1 per queuing table
- Mission Quick Guides -1 to 2 per field
- Create and make copies of the following:
- Event signage
- Photography and recording notices (if applicable)
- List of registered volunteers, with cell phone numbers (1 or more copies)
- Team list with coach name and phone numbers (1 or more copies)
- RECF Participant Release Form (make available to teams who did not complete the online form)
- Confirm equipment including fields, field elements, electronics, computers, projectors, PA system
- Assemble trophies
- Ensure that all event registration fees are paid by reviewing the team registration report on RobotEvents.com and follow up with teams who haven’t paid
- Tournament Manager Software Free Download: http://www.dwabtech.com/tm2/. Includes User Guide download.
- Create a “dummy” event in TM to practice using the software and to finalize your event schedule (Note: Do not use your TM or RE codes for dummy events; contact your RSM for any assistance with this critical step)
- If needed: Update TM as needed on laptops and/or Raspberry Pis
Additional Items
Day before the Event
Venue Set Up
- Team pit areas with tables, chairs, pit signs
- Label team pit tables or spaces in team number order to make pit areas easier to find
- Signs can be printed from TM under “Reports”
- Charging stations or power to each pit table
- Ensure that the charging stations (if used) are set up with power strips and extension cords
- Check-in desk with program fliers, team and volunteer registration lists, pens, containers to collect Competition Logbooks
- Inspection area: Blank Inspection Checklists, pens
- Queuing tables (typically one per field)
- Judges Room with judging materials
- Concession Stand: Items to sell and cash for providing change
- Make sure that all cords are safely secured and are set up outside of high-traffic areas
- Tape cords down for safety; gaffers or Wrestling Tape is great for this as it doesn’t stick to the floor
- Post signage, tape, and/or stanchions to direct safe and efficient flow of participants
- Make sure that the trophies are assembled and displayed in the event area and optional participation or recognition certificates are available for distribution
- Ensure that supplies are available for volunteers, such as clipboards and pens for referees, highlighters and clipboards for the queue crew, and pens, note pads as needed for Judges
- Set up a Volunteer break area including snacks and water
- Set up Teamwork and Skills Missions competition fields
- Set up scoring table(s) for scoring computer(s), printer, projector, screen, and PA system
- Test all equipment to ensure that it works properly with TM
- Print a test page on the scoring printer to ensure the printer driver has been properly installed
- Make sure that printer paper and an extra toner cartridge are available
- Test the speakers to ensure match sounds play properly through the PA system or other speakers connected to the main TM computer
- Test all displays, wireless network, and mobile scoring devices
- Verify fields are set up correctly according to the Game Manual
- Test to ensure field elements and PVC are securely fastened
- Have backup game objects on hand
- Ensure that all event registration fees are paid by reviewing the team registration report on RobotEvents.com
- Set up the event in TM using your TM and RE Code found on RobotEvent.com
- Print from Tournament Manager (under reports tab)
- Field and pits signs
- Blank Award Ceremony Scripts for Judges
- Final team list for check in table
- Participation Certificates (optional)
Additional Items
Day of Event
Before the Event Begins
- Delegate many activities to key volunteers, you will be busy and you will need assistance
- Even the best-run events have unforeseen issues come up
- Try to keep yourself free to solve those problems
- Unlock the doors and turn on the lights and heating/air conditioning
- Plan for room temperatures to change as the space(s) fill with participants
- Be aware of areas where drafts from HVAC or doorways may affect drone performance, especial at Autonomous Skills Field
- Open all restrooms, and make sure the restrooms are fully stocked with soap and paper supplies
- Ensure all parking areas are accessible and signage is posted to direct participants to event check-in
- Post all banners and event signage to direct participants to their proper event locations
- Set up snacks and beverages for where they are easily accessible for volunteers to fuel their energy levels for the day
- Ensure that accessible seating is available
- Double check that the game fields are set up properly
- Test all audio and visual equipment, such as projector(s), screens, Tournament Manager displays and sounds, and the public-address system to ensure that they are working properly
- Distribute two-way radios, if used, or exchange cell phone numbers among key volunteers
When Teams and Volunteers Arrive
- Greet your volunteers and teams! Make sure they receive a warm welcome and are directed to the locations for check-in and training meetings. Provide support at the busy check-in tables
- Greet special guests, sponsors, and members of the media. Share your plan for the event day and direct them to volunteers, coaches, and teams who can share details about the program and participants
- Share your event agenda with key volunteers
- Share the welcome and/or Event Meeting Announcements with presenters (EP, Head Ref, Emcee)
- Share your safety plan with your key volunteers
- Ask experienced teams to check game fields to ensure that they are set up properly
- Collect Competition Logbooks at check-in or inspection, and make sure each logbook has an easy to find team number
- Verify that all participating teams are registered and have paid their registration fees.
Before the Teamwork Mission Matches and Judging Begin
- Check with the team registration desk to ensure that all teams have checked in; try to contact teams that are not checked in
- Use the Team Check-In feature in Tournament Manager to indicate teams that are checked in
Once the schedule and list of participating teams is established, regenerate the Match Schedule in Tournament Manager, if necessary - Check that the Volunteer Coordinator is making adjustments, as needed, due to no-shows
- Ensure that lead volunteers (Head Ref & Judge Advisor) coordinate any scheduled volunteer training meetings
- Make sure that all teams have passed inspection; ask veteran teams to support the efforts of other participating teams to pass inspection
- Print a copy of the Announcer Sheets for the Emcee from TM Reports
- Print Match Lists (sorted by time) and Match List by Team (sorted by team) from TM Reports for distribution to each team, queueing staff, Scorekeeper/Head Referees, Judging teams, and other key volunteers. Have extra copies at the head table available by request
- Conduct an Event Meeting prior to the start of the Teamwork Mission matches; use the topics outlined in the Event Meeting Announcements
During the Event
- Ensure snacks and beverages are available for all volunteers and lunch is provided for full-day volunteers; be sensitive to volunteer dietary restrictions and follow venue food/drink policies
- Walk around to proactively resolve any issues, answer questions, and provide support
- Ensure that trash containers are emptied and that the restrooms are clean and well stocked
- Have the TM Operator periodically save a copy of your event file on a USB flash drive
- Check with the Judge Advisor to ensure that judging activities are on schedule; provide updated match and skills rankings when appropriate (See Judge Guide)
- When judging is complete, collect the list of award winners from the Judge Advisor
- Return Competition Logbooks to teams after the judging team has completed their evaluations DO NOT give any rubrics or judging notes to teams.
- Have the TM Operator enter the Judged award winners and Auto Fill Winners in TM after the Finals/Elimination Matches have been completed
- Encourage all teams, volunteers, and sponsors to participate in the awards ceremony, which celebrates the accomplishments of all teams and provides recognition for Judged and performance-based awards
- Print Award Ceremony Scripts reports located in TM Reports; develop presentation slides for the awards ceremony in the TM Slides tab
- Designate Award presenters (Often the Head Ref, and Judges will take turns presenting awards. )
- Designate an area for Teams to come to the front, accept their award, and pose for a team photo.
- Thank your volunteers, coaches, mentors, parents, and sponsors for their invaluable support
After the Event
- Verify the Awards winners and Match scores have been entered into TM
- Create a backup copy of the TM file on a USB flash drive
- Upload and finalize all TM results to RobotEvents.com
- Call your RSM if you experience any errors when uploading the results
- Take down all equipment and materials for safe storage and clean the venue, as required
- Maintain all relevant competition materials until all results have been successfully uploaded
- Ensure the Judge Advisor has collected and destroyed confidential judging materials
- Establish a plan and a place for participants to pick up lost and found items
- Send a follow-up message of appreciation to your volunteers
- Share photos and/or news from the event with the media, RECF, and your community
- Reach out to teams and ask for feedback on their experience at your event
- Schedule a time to meet with your RSM and to share feedback from your event