Developing Chapter Bylaws for the International Robotics Honor Society

Students with exceptional academic standing have the opportunity to apply for membership in a local chapter of the International Robotics Honor Society to earn accredited graduation honors for their participation in a host of high school robotics competitions. Each chapter is required to develop and adopt a unique set of bylaws that will serve as the governing documents for their local charter. 

Fundamental Components

The IRHS Constitution outlines the International Council’s expectations for local chapters and provides some must-follow guidelines that should be incorporated into each set of bylaws. It is absolutely essential that all chapters read and understand the IRHS Constitution before creating their own policies and procedures.

Bylaws are the constitutional directive of the program and should clearly define the:

  • Purpose of your chapter, including ethos or mission statement
  • Criteria for membership 
  • Process for selection of members
  • Roles of the chapter advisor and student officers
  • Official meeting types
  • Service learning project procedures and expectations
  • Discipline and dismissal plan of action
  • Instructions for adopting amendments 

Key Considerations

Transparency and flexibility are both important things to consider when developing bylaws. Your bylaws should be written in a way such that any person who reads your documentation can gain an in-depth understanding of your organization’s purpose, how it operates, and how to become a member. 

Flexibility is also important, and designing your bylaws in a way that makes them adaptable to change, growth, and accumulation of knowledge will save a lot of time. Avoid putting specific dates, times, and names of individuals into your bylaws and ensure that they’re reviewed annually by the chapter members. 

During the development process, each chapter should review their robotics program’s needs, and ensure that their IRHS chapter follows all school policies and procedures. Each chapter should make a diligent effort to present a polished, well-edited document as their official bylaws. Chapter members should work in collaboration with adults, administrators, and educators to ensure that all information is correct, comprehensive, collaborative, and representative of the IRHS pillars.  

Adopting Bylaws

Each chapter must establish a procedure to accept their inaugural bylaws, and for adopting any amendments to their document. This process often includes a formal presentation to school administrators, building principals, chapter advisors, and the chapter membership as a whole. All requirements for adopting bylaws must be documented within the bylaws themselves for future reference.