JROTC Aerial Drone Competition Teams

AerialDroneComp_LogoFinal_2-color REC Hori Drone Logo 1  (3) - Copy.png


How does the JROTC Competition differ from the Aerial Drone Competition?

JROTC Programs compete in the same missions and the same Qualifying Criteria, and are student-lead teams with the added benefit of being able to attend JROTC invitationals.

Can a JROTC program partner with an existing drone program at our school?

Yes JROTC programs are encouraged to work in partnership with their existing school programs, but there are some rules that could apply.

  • Army JROTC Programs are given the guidance that teams should be at least 50% cadets with the Flight Team being 100% Cadets
  • Air Force teams are encouraged to meet, practice, and collaborate with their schools robotics program, but AFJROTC teams should be 100% cadets.


Is there an LOI or SOP for Army JROTC the Aerial Drone Competition?

Currently, there isn’t a LOI or SOP for the Aerial Drone Competition. Please consult with your brigade leadership for more details or contact JROTC@recf.org.

Where is the JROTC All-Service National Championship?

The JROTC All-Service National Championship for Mission 2025 will be April 11 - 12th in Batesville, Mississippi.

How do JROTC Teams qualify to the National Championship?

There are several ways for a JROTC team to qualify for the JROTC All-Service National Championship. Once qualified, teams will be able to register for the event if there is capacity remaining.

1. Qualifying Award

Winning a qualifying award at an official qualifying JROTC Invitational Event or a Local Qualifying Event. Qualifying awards include:

  • All-Around Champion
  • Teamwork Champion
  • Skills Missions Champion
  • Communication Mission Champion
  • Coding Award
  • Airmanship Award

2. Skills Ranking

If the JROTC All-Service National Championship is not filled to capacity through qualifying awards or Skills scores teams may qualify through the World Skills Standings. Teams invited through the World Skills Standings are invited in ranked order 6 weeks before the JROTC All-Service National Championship. Scores earned after this date will not be used to qualify teams to the JROTC All-Service National Championship.

3. Waitlist

If there is remaining capacity due to teams not accepting a formal invitation, the JROTC All-Service National Championship capacity may be lowered or teams may be invited from the Waitlist. This will be decided by the REC Foundation RSM. When inviting teams from the the waitlist, the REC Foundation RSM will give priority to:

  • Teams from underrepresented areas
  • Teams offering to support the event with volunteers or equipment
  • The order in which teams waitlisted themselves

  See the Qualifying Criteria for additional details.

Can JROTC Teams compete in both the JROTC All-Service National Championship and the Regional Championship in their home region?

Yes, if a JROTC team qualifies for both events they are encouraged to represent their program in both competitions. 

If a school already has a team can they have a JROTC team with a different base number or must it have the same base number?

Having a different base number is the best route. We want the JROTC program to have their own base numbers.

Where can I get a signed 889 Form?

To get the most current 889 form, please contact JROTC@recf.org.