What to Buy, Where to Buy it, and How to Budget

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Last updated October 8, 2024

Aerial Drone Competition Expenses: What to Buy, Where to Buy it, and How to Budget

When creating a budget for your Aerial Drone Competition team, you will want to consider what you NEED to have and what is NICE to have. Below you will find suggestions, and we encourage you to work within your budget. Need advice? Ask your Regional Support Manger! We are here to help you and find solutions that fit within your budget.

What do teams NEED to compete in the Aerial Drone Competition?

  1. Drone/Controller/Spare Parts
  2. Season Registration
  3. Computer for Programming
  4. Event Registrations (Tournaments)
  5. Travel to Events

Drone, Controller, and Spare Parts (e.g., batteries, motors, propellers)


  • (1) CoDroneEDU $214.99* or (1) CoDrone EDU JROTC Edition $314.99*
  • Drone Case $35
  • Spare parts $75
  • *12 and 18 classroom packs are also available

Where to Purchase: We recommend you purchase drones from Robolink.

Additional Information:

  • Robolink provides Base Camplearning modules for “Getting Started with the CoDrone EDU, Blockly, and Python.”
  • For the 2024-2025 Season, there are 3 legal drones: CoDrone EDU, CoDrone EDU (JROTC Edition), and Parrot Mambo.
  • Note: The JROTC edition drone was created to meet funding requirements for the JROTC program. It’s the same drone as the CoDrone EDU, but with specific components sourced from different manufacturers to meet those requirements.

2024-25 Season Registration

Cost: $175 per team

Where to Purchase: Visit RobotEvents.com to register.

Additional Information: Step by step instructions on registering a team(s) can be found in our REC Library.

Computer for Programming


  • Cost of computer - Varies
  • Coding Software is FREE
  • 1 computer per team is needed

Additional Information:

  • CoDrone EDU Blockly programming runs in a Chrome browser. It is compatible with Chromebooks, Macbooks, Windows laptops, and desktop computers with USB ports.
  • CoDrone EDU with Blockly an Phyton is not compatible with tablets or iPads.
  • Chromebooks do not support Python. Use a MacOS or Windows machine for Python programming.
  • Python Programming requires software installation:

Event Registrations (tournaments)


  • Regular season event fees typically range from $50 - $100 USD per team per event
  • Championship Event fees typically range from $150-$300 per team

Where to Purchase:

Visit RobotEvents.com to view Aerial Drone Competitions and determine the cost of each event in your region. Note: Fees are set by the Event Partner, hosting the event.

Additional Information:

  • The fee to attend a local competition varies by state and region.
  • Championship registration fees are typically higher.
  • There is no limit to the number of events in which a team may participate.
  • Teams attending a regular season event may earn an invitation to the Championship event based on the Qualifying Criteria.

Travel to events

Cost: Varies

What else is NICE to have if additional funding is available?

  1. Competition Field Element Kit
  2. Mission 2025 Game Element Kit
  3. PVC
  4. Additional Drones and spare parts, such as motors, cases, batteries, propellers, and bumpers
  5. T-shirts and Team Swag

Competition Field Element Kit

Field Element Kit.PNG

Cost: $1000

Where to purchase: Drone Competition Gates

What's Included:

  • 3 Sets of Arch Gate Hardware
  • 5 Fabric Arch Gates (2 Red, 2 Blue, 1 Screen)
  • 2 Keyhole Gates (1 Yellow, 1 Green)
  • 2 Landing Pads (1 Red, 1 Blue)
  • 2 Small Cubes (1 Red, 1 Blue)
  • 2 Large Cubes (1 Red, 1 Blue)

Additional Information:

  • Contains items that are reused each year
  • Each kit has enough hardware to set up 1 Teamwork Mission Field or 1 Skills Mission Field
  • If you want to set up both at the same time, you will need 2 Field Element Kits
  • While it is helpful to have a field and game element to practice with, it is not necessary! Many of our new teams start off by using pool noodles, hula hoops and boxes. Approximate measurements of the field elements can be found in the Competition Manual.

Mission 2025 Game Element kit


Cost: $350

Where to purchase: Drone Competition Gates

What's Included:

For the Teamwork Field Layout you will use:

  • 7 Drop Zones
  • 7 Bean Bags
  • 10 Balls

For the Skills Field Layout you will use:

  • 2 Solid Panels and Brackets
  • 1 Fly Through Panel
  • 3 Programming Mats
  • 3 Color Mats

Additional Information:

  • Contains items that are used only for Mission 2025: Gravity
  • This kit includes pieces to set up both the Teamwork Field and the Skills Field Layout.



Cost: $200 (approx.)

Where to purchase: Purchase from your local home improvement store.  Tip: Ask for PVC and connectors to be donated by your local home improvement store

What's do you need: 

  • Fifteen (15) 10 ft long, 1 inch diameter
  • 15 - Coupler connectors
  • 24 - 90 Degree Connectors Elbows
  • 12 - T-Connectors

Additional Information:

  • Purchased locally
  • Build of Materials listed on page 62 of the Competition Manual
  • Instructions for cutting sizes and assembly are on pages 62-63 of the Competition Manual
  • PVC and connectors are reused each year in a different configuration

Additional Drones and spare parts, such as motors, cases, batteries, propellers, and bumpers

Cost: varies

Additional Information: Teams may bring multiple drones to an event in order to have backups, in case of a crash and/or to allow for students to reserve a drone for flight missions and another for the programming mission . 

T-shirts and Team Swag

Cost: varies

Running a competition team has recurring costs and could get expensive. What are ways that other programs fund their programs?

  • Host your own Tournament! 
    • Your organization brings in funds through the Tournament fees paid to you by teams, concessions, t-shirt sales, etc.
    • Get local companies to sponsor your event by providing a cash donation, food for concessions or volunteer lunches, or volunteers.
  • Grants
    • REC Foundation Grant Resources
    • Check with your local educational and professional organizations for grant opportunities
    • Google Search for Grants (Key words: STEM, Workforce Development, Robotics, Drones, Aviation, K-12)
  • Host a STEM Workshop or Camp!
    • Whether it is 2 hours, ½ day, 1 day, 3 day, or 5 day, we can help you to develop an exciting itinerary and a realistic budget for your event.
    • These Workshops or Camps can be for Youth or Adults and is a great way to promote awareness of the great things that your ADC team is accomplishing, possibly inspiring others to form teams, too.
    • Host Aerial Drone Competition Birthday Parties!
    • This idea came from Grandville, MI. They are hosting birthday parties, charging $25 per child for 10 children ($250 profit). The parents bring pizza, drinks, and cake.
  • Other traditional fundraising efforts
    • Form a STEM Booster Club to empower parents and other community supporters to raise money for the program.
    • Candy/Fruit/Cookie Dough Sales
    • Student and teacher in entire school pay $X to get to wear (jeans, pajama pants, caps, etc) for a day
  • Check out this article for 76 more fundraising ideas.

How can I learn more?

Contact your Regional Support Manager or email drones@recf.org.