Coach Training and Certification Course

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The Aerial Drone Competition offers online, self paced training and certification courses for coaches, Event Partners, Judge Advisors, and Head Referees.  

Certification is required for all Head Referees and Judge Advisors for Mission 2025: Gravity and highly recommended for coaches, Event Partners, judges, and scorekeeper referees.

Step 1:  Go to

  • Returning users can enter username and password
  • New users can create a new account

Step 2: Select from available courses

Step 3: Click on Proceed to Course Content and Enroll me in this Course

Step 4: Click Enroll me


Step 5: Review and complete course content

Each unit has content for you to review and then a quiz.  Go through each unit.  On the left hand side of the screen you can see which units you have completed.

Step 6: Take Final Exam

Once you pass the Final Exam with a grade of 80 or better, a certificate of completion will be available. 

That’s it! 

Thank you for taking the time to read and understand the training materials. If you need to refer back to the content referenced in this course during the season, it’s all available in the Competition Manual and REC Library. Thank you for being part of our community!

Questions?  Reach out to us at