The Iterative Design Process in the Aerial Drone Competition

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The Iterative Process

The iterative process is widespread across many industries. It is a series of steps that designers follow when they are trying to solve a problem and design a solution for something; it is a methodical approach to problem solving. There is no single universally accepted iterative process, and most professionals have their own twist for how the process works. The process generally starts with a problem and ends with a solution, but the middle steps can vary.

One common characteristic of most iterative processes is that they are cyclic/repetitious and designers may have to go back to previous steps in the process and/or repeat the entire process over and over again until they reach a solution. You progress toward your desired result each time you iterate on the idea or product. The end of one iteration cycle becomes the starting point for the next round
The iterative process outlined in this article is not the only correct version of the process; it is just one example. It should provide a good starting point for students to explore the process.

A very simple iterative process may only include 3 steps:

Define >Develop Solutions >Optimize

Another design process example is Project Lead The Way's Gateway Design Process.

Steps of the Iterative Process

For this article, we will consider a process that matches what Judges look for when interviewing teams and reviewing their Competition Logbooks at REC Foundation Aerial Drone Competitions.

Identify the Challenge & Analyze Requirements

This is sometimes referred to as “Ask.” Identifying the challenge should always be the first step that is addressed in the Iterative Process.

For the first iteration of the challenge, the team's Logbook should include a very brief description of the overall Mission Challenge and break it down into smaller challenges that must be accomplished for success. Best practice is to list questions that need to be answered through research or testing, for example:

  • What is the most effective strategy for the teamwork matches?
  • What are the ways to score points?
  • What is the fastest way to score the most points?

Through this process, teams should come up with a list of tasks they might want to complete, and a list of the Mission’s requirements and constraints. For instance, if a challenge requires a drone to move objects through a maze, the team might decide to focus on that task for a specific amount of time before moving to other tasks. However, the Competition Manual may have a constraint on when that task can be completed. All of these criteria should be explored and understood before moving on to the brainstorming phase.

For later cycles of the iterative process, this step might be to identify something in the teamwork strategy that isn't working as well as expected or needed and to describe what a good solution would include. For example, a challenge might be: "Moving the balls through the maze is more difficult than the team had expected,” and a possible solution to accomplish the challenge might be: "Consider other ways to get points in the teamwork match rather than focusing on moving the balls through the maze.” Constraints for this challenge may overlap larger constraints from the Mission, for example, time constraints.

Generate Ideas & Develop Strategies

Good brainstorming starts with a shared understanding of the problem, including all requirements and constraints. Without understanding the problem, time may be wasted on irrelevant ideas that do not satisfy the basic problem at hand. During brainstorming, it is also important to avoid judging each other’s ideas. This can stifle the creative process and discourage team members from participating.

If it becomes clear that members of the team do not fully understand the challenge, the team should start over at the first step of the process (i.e., “Identify the problem & Analyze Results” or “Ask”).

During brainstorming, students may also want to investigate challenges from the real world that are similar to the one posed by the game. They can also look to see if any other drone competitions have utilized similar challenges in the past. Brainstorming includes gathering data from other sources to help students create a successful strategy.

Promising strategies should be documented in the team's Logbook, including labeled drawings or pictures. If the team gets ideas from other sources, those sources should be clearly identified in the Logbook.

Test and Improve Strategies

This is where teams will spend most of their time, and when final strategies and programs are created. Mission strategies (coding, piloting, and teamwork)—generally start off as basic ideas and evolve as details are added in later cycles of the iterative process. Students should take detailed notes in their Logbook while coding and developing strategies, recording what they see, trying to figure out why some things work better than others, and then creating additional strategies or programs to test new ideas. Gathering data, and recording it in the Logbook, is an important part of coding and developing strategies for the Missions.

During this step, students will test what they have selected to see what works, what doesn't, and what can be improved. Testing procedures should be well-documented in the Logbook, and should include all measurable results. The main goal of this step is to decide whether the strategy or code meets the challenge and performs as expected and needed.

Repeat the Iterative Process

What happens when something doesn't work in testing? Students analyze the problem to identify the new challenge it presents, and they start a new cycle of the iterative process!

Not all iterative process cycles will need all steps, and some may jump from step to step or repeat a step multiple times before moving on to the next one. Teams shouldn't be afraid of going backwards in the process. The ultimate goal is to create the best possible strategies by improving it over and over again. Iterative cycles will probably overlap, too, especially in coding. Teams should do their best to identify which process step(s) they are working on as they make entries in the Logbook.

So how does a team decide when their code or mission strategy is complete? Simple: the team needs to set a schedule, and then stick to it. This schedule will vary greatly from team to team depending on their circumstances. If a team has six weeks to code the drone and develop their other mission strategies before the first competition, they should come up with some sort of schedule for this time period. Some teams will plan out each and every step in their coding and strategy development process while others will just do a quick overview.

The schedule is not always set in stone; ultimately the only fixed dates are the project start date and the completion deadline (usually the date of a competition). Everything else is likely to shift as the process unfolds.

In the Iterative Process students recognize and define a problem or challenge, brainstorm and develop various ideas and strategies, test their ideas and strategies, continue to improve their ideas, and repeat the iterative process until a solution has been identified. During this process, students will come across obstacles, encounter instances of success and failure, and learn many lessons. It is this iterative process that students should document in their Competition Logbook.