How do I use the Team Survey feature?

You can create a simple survey for your event that teams are asked to complete during registration. Select "Edit Team Survey" at the top of the screen when editing your event to configure your questions.

Recommended survey questions include:

  • How many people will attend from your team?
  • When will the team arrive?
  • Does your team have any special needs?

Questions can be formatted to provide open text responses or limited to a pre-populated drop-down list. Questions may be mandatory or optional. Once your survey is complete, teams will see a “TEAM INFO NEEDED!” statement on their dashboard.

How can I edit Event awards?

Click on "Edit Event Awards." There are two parts to this screen. At the bottom, select an award to give at your event:

  1. Click the arrow to the right of "Select an Award" and then pick the award name. The Overall Excellence and Division Excellence awards will only be used at very large events. Very few (if any) local events will give these. Use the Excellence Award for nearly all tournaments and leagues.
  2. Repeat step one for each award you plan to give at your event.
  3. The list to the right is of invitational events that teams qualify for by winning awards at other events. Please check the qualifying criteria for different events before setting this up and ask your Regional Support Manager (RSM) if you have any questions.
  4. Click "Submit."

What type of team information can I access?

Event Partners can monitor the teams that have registered for their event(s). EPs also have the ability to see all of the teams that have registered in their own geographic region. 

How do I set up an account with EP privileges?

Please follow these four steps to set up a account.

  1. Go to and click "Log In" (top right-hand corner of the screen).
  2. In the New Customers box, click "Create an Account."
  3. Send your RSM an email that includes the email address you used to register.
  4. Your RSM will and then let you know when you have EP access on RobotEvents