Set Up a Tournament Manager File
After installation, you can start the Tournament Manager software by clicking on the Tournament Manager icon in the Windows Start menu or the macOS Applications folder. This article will provide a quick reference guide to setting up a tournament file in Tournament Manager.
Select an Option to Begin Using the VEX Tournament Manager
Create a new tournament
Use this option to create new tournament files. Be sure to save in a place that is easily accessible (Desktop)
Open an existing tournament
Use this option for files already created
Connect to a remote server
Use this option to connect other computers to server. Commonly used for Skills Challenge, Judging, or additional computers projecting displays. Devices must be on same network as server computer and have server address and password to connect.
Event Code Setup
- If this is an official event, select the box and enter the Event Code and TM Code.
- This information is found at the top of the Event Administration page.
- If this is an unofficial event, do not check the box.
Program Type
- Select Aerial Drone Competition
Tournament Type
- Select appropriate tournament setup - Most Aerial Drone Competitions use the Medium Tournament.
General Setup
- Add an Event Name. This will automatically populate if an Event Code and TM Code was entered previously
- Tournament Manager Password – a password used to open the tournament file and to connect other computers to the server - DO NOT SHARE
- Judge, Inspector, Scorekeeper Password – only used if using the Web Server
League Play Setup
- This will only be checked if the event was created as a League in RobotEvents.
Game Scoring Configuration
- Select appropriate game and score sheet preference.
Team List
- Team data will automatically import from RobotEvents if an Event Code and TM Code was entered previously.
- Can select “Generate Teams” for informal competition or testing
- An EP may import a CSV file if not connected to the internet.
Field Set (If Using Medium or Large Tournament Type)
For Aerial Drone Competitions - Select 1 Field Set unless otherwise directed by your Regional Support Manager. This will allow you to have multiple Teamwork Mission fields, while running matches one after the other.
Field Set #
- Give each field set a name
- Default settings are generally used but can be changed
- Determine how many fields will be in each field set and give each a name
- Examples: Field 1, Field 2, colors, sponsor names, etc.
Skills Challenges
- Enter the total number of skills fields at the tournament
Pit Display Setup
- Determine how many displays will be available in the venue and assign each to be a Pit Display
- Assign a Default Screen for each
- What is actually displayed on each can be changed at any time during a tournament: Displays > Pit Display Control
Schedule Setup
- Create matches for each scheduled block.
- If the agenda has matches before a lunch break and some after, there should be 2 blocks setup
- Match Cycle Time: the time between the start of a match and the start of the next match.
- Consider scoring, field reset time, and desired number of matches when determining the cycle time.
- Match Type: select Practice if doing a practice round, otherwise select Qualification for tournament/teamwork matches.
- Select “Add” to save each block
- Blocks can be edited by double clicking them
- Blocks can be removed altogether by selected the block then selecting “Remove”
- Try to have the number of matches per team as a whole number. This may not always be possible. If it is not a whole number, a team may play an additional match to ensure all teams get to a whole number.
Create Matches
- Create Practice Matches (if using) to generate Practice Matches
- Create Qualification Matches to generate Qualification Matches
- Use the Show Schedule Statistics button to get an idea of match spacing and to determine if the break between matches is long enough
Awards Setup
- Awards from RobotEvents should be automatically selected if an Event Code and TM code were entered previously.
- Awards selected on this screen MUST match what is in RobotEvents or the results will not upload correctly. If additional awards are checked, they must be added into the event page in RobotEvents so they match.
Web Publishing Setup
- Select which options should be published and available for viewing on RobotEvents.
- Some Event Partners choose to make this information available immediately, others choose to wait until closer to the event/day of the event to publish this information due to potential changes or wanting teams to check in and confirm attendance first. An Event Partner can change this at any time within Tournament Manager: Tools > Options > Web Publishing
Setup Complete
- Select Next to open the Tournament Manager file.