Updated 11/14/2024

New this season:

  • The REC Foundation reserves the right to modify volunteer and Key Volunteer assignments at events.
  • EPs will allow official sponsors/partners of the REC Foundation to set up a booth and/or display at any event.
  • EPs will give the REC Foundation access to event media (pictures, videos, etc) upon request.
  • EPs will follow all program specific branding guidelines.
  • EPs will use Participant Release Forms  only for purposes specifically related to that event. Any misuse of information (including, but not limited to, non-REC Foundation related matters, sharing with other parties, private solicitation, etc.) may result in this access being revoked and/or removal of EP status with the REC Foundation.
  • RECF and EPs will abide by the REC Foundation Youth Protection Policy.
  • EPs will make every effort to use the official Code of Conduct reporting tools.
  • EPs, Head Referees, and Judge Advisors may not fill more than one of those roles at the same event.

The intent of the REC Foundation Commitment to Event Excellence (CEE) is to communicate the partnership and expectations between the REC Foundation and Event Partners with the ultimate goal of providing teams with quality and uniform competition experiences throughout our programs. This agreement is between the REC Foundation, the Regional Support Manager (RSM) who provides support for the event region, and the Event Partner (EP) who posts the event on RobotEvents.com.

During the event posting process, the EP must review and agree to the CEE before the event can be approved. If you have any questions or concerns about the expectations included in the CEE, please contact your RSM.

The REC Foundation and the RSM who provides support for the event region agree to:

  1. Adhere to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct.
  2. Train EPs and provide event planning resources for hosting REC Foundation Competitions.
  3. Provide documentation necessary to run events. This includes but is not limited to Game Manuals, Referee Guides, Judge Guide, EP Guide, and Qualifying Criteria that are appropriate to the specific program.
  4. Provide feedback on event configuration and settings before approving the event at RobotEvents.com.
  5. Approve events posted on RobotEvents.com when appropriate.
  6. Communicate the program-specific REC Foundation Qualifying Criteria for events as it applies to Championship spot allocation for the event.
  7. Assign EP product discounts as available, and explain the ordering process.
  8. Check in regularly with EPs prior to the event to ensure readiness, and follow-up after the event to verify uploaded results and obtain feedback.
  9. Provide event support with on-site or on-call REC Foundation staff as determined by the RSM.
  10. Assist with Tournament Manager setup, training, and operation as needed.
  11. Provide assistance with event management on RobotEvents.com prior to and following the event day.
  12. Based on the requirements of the program, ensure the Judge Advisor has completed and passed the Judge Certification Course and adheres to the rules and practices in the Judge Guide and Official Judging Q&A.
  13. Based on the requirements of the program, ensure the Head Referee has completed and passed the Head Referee Certification Course and adheres to the rules in the Referee Guide, Game Manual, and Official Q&A.
  14. The REC Foundation reserves the right to modify volunteer and Key Volunteer assignments at events.
  15. Abide by the REC Foundation Youth Protection Policy.

As an Event Partner for the REC Foundation, I agree to:

  1. Adhere to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and ensure event Volunteers adhere to the same.
    • Remember that the teams, regardless of experience, have worked hard preparing for an event. Prioritize the team experience whenever possible and help students leave with great memories from their event. Volunteers and event staff should be kind and respectful to all students.
  2. Adhere to the rules in the Event Partner Guide, Qualifying Criteria, Game Manual, Judge Guide, and Referee Guide that are appropriate to the specific program.
  3. Use the official, unmodified version of Tournament Manager along  with approved hardware and networking solutions found in the REC Library. Add-ons that abide by the TM Public API guidelines are permitted. Once add-ons are enabled, the software is no longer supported by the REC Foundation, VEX Robotics, or DWAB Technologies; any necessary troubleshooting will be done at the user’s own risk.
  4. Seek out assistance from the RSM for questions or concerns about event planning or operation.
  5. Endeavor to provide adequate staff to ensure a quality experience for all attendees per the Volunteer Guide recommendations.
  6. Ensure the Judge Advisor has completed and passed the Judge Certification Course (if required by the specific program) and adheres to the rules and practices in the program’s Judge Guide and Official Judging Q&A. Ensure that they are added to the event in RobotEvents 3 weeks prior to the event, as required by the Qualifying Criteria. Ensure that they will not also serve as the Event Partner or Head Referee.
  7. Read the judging materials, provide copies to judges, and monitor that all processes and procedures of the judging process are meeting the standards as specified in the program’s Judge Guide.
  8. Ensure the Head Referee has completed and passed the Head Referee Certification Course (if required by the specific program) and adheres to the rules and practices in the program’s Referee Guide, Game Manual, and Official Q&A. Ensure that they are added to the event in RobotEvents 3 weeks prior to the event, as required by the Qualifying Criteria (program specific). Ensure that they will not also serve as the Event Partner or Judge Advisor.
  9. Endeavor to staff the event with referees and judges who are not affiliated with teams at the event to ensure unbiased decisions.
  10. Communicate in advance with the RSM any change of status of the event including size, location, awards, and any other conditions.
  11. Adhere to the Early Bird registration process, where applicable, and not attempt to circumvent or avoid the process.
  12. Make every effort to provide all teams with equal opportunity to register for the event (unless the event is an invitational) and not provide an unfair advantage to any team or prevent any team from registering.
  13. Provide an event venue with the following:
    • Venue follows all local safety, security, and facility rules and requirements as mandated by the venue.
    • Any insurance required by the facility is the responsibility of the EP.
    • Venue is free and open to the public. Parking or other fees must be discussed with the RSM prior to approving the event.
    • Venue is ADA compliant (inside the U.S.) or follows local inclusion laws to allow access for all (outside the U.S.).
    • Venue provides adequate spectator seating, team pit areas, competition and practice fields, event electronics, audience and pit displays, and PA or sound system.
  14. (US only): Use Coach contact information for qualifying event recruitment purposes only. Coaches have the ability to opt out of receiving qualifying event recruitment communication from Event Partners. Any misuse of information (including, but not limited to: personal use, non-REC Foundation related matters, private solicitation, etc.) or contacting Coaches who have elected to opt out of qualifying event recruitment correspondence may result in this access being revoked and/or removal of Event Partner status with the REC Foundation. Note: Teams may receive event communication for any event they have registered for regardless of opt-out status. 
  15. Allow official sponsors/partners of the REC Foundation to set up a booth and/or display at any event.
  16. Give the REC Foundation access to event media (pictures, videos, etc) upon request.
  17. Follow all program-specific branding guidelines.
  18. Use Participant Release Forms only for purposes specifically related to that event. Any misuse of information (including, but not limited to, non-REC Foundation related matters, sharing with other parties, private solicitation, etc.) may result in this access being revoked and/or removal of EP status with the REC Foundation.
  19. Abide by the REC Foundation Youth Protection Policy.
  20. Make every effort to use the official Code of Conduct reporting tools.