AerialDroneComp_LogoFinal_2-color REC Hori Drone Logo 1  (3) - Copy.png

Updated August 26, 2024

The Aerial Drone Competition Manual presents the rules for the Missions, the drones, and the events that teams will attend to compete in. Competition Manuals are complex, but the Game Design Committee (GDC) creates and organizes them in ways specifically designed to help students, coaches, and volunteers find the information they need. This article highlights some of the organizing concepts of Competition Manuals, and may help you understand how to read and interpret the rules.

Competition Manual Versions

You should always make sure that you are using the most current version of the Competition Manual. You can confirm you have the correct version of the Competition Manual by visiting the REC Library Article: Competition Manual and Resources.

Competition Manuals are Searchable

Competition Manuals are searchable. Answers to most common questions can be found by searching for keywords and concepts!

Rule Structure

The contents of each rule are different, but the basic structure of each rule is the same. Additionally, in rules that are shared or similar across multiple rule sets, the GDC attempts to give those rules the same number in all rule sets. We have included a screenshot of a rule from the 2023-2024 Aerial Drone Competition Manual as a reference, and added numbers to indicate the parts of a rule that are described below.

1 - Rule Number

Rule numbers appear inside single-angle quotation marks. Each rule number begins with a letter or letters that identify the specific rule set (Safety, Scoring, etc.) and a reference number.

2 - Rule Name

Each rule has a name that describes its overall intent. 

3 - Rule Description

A rule will include one or more paragraphs that describe the details and requirements of that rule. Note that defined terms (Goal, Drone, etc.) are capitalized and italicized as previously described.

4 - Color Boxes and Notes

Color boxes and Notes are used to provide more information, examples, and/or clarification about the rule, in a less-formal and more conversational style.

Sets of Rules

Rules are grouped into subsets based on their focus. Each set of rules uses a shared starting letter or string of letters. Some of the sets change with every new Mission, and others remain mostly consistent across the seasons.

General Rules (G)

These rules apply to matches and behaviors at events. This set of rules rarely changes.

Tournament Rules (T)

This set of rules governs how competitions are run, and rarely change.

Teamwork Mission Rules (TM)

These rules explain the Teamwork Mission, describe how drones can score points during a teamwork match and how referees confirm and count points earned by the teams. This set of rules changes for every new season.

Autonomous Flight Mission Rules (AM)

These rules explain the Autonomous Flight Skills Mission, describe how drones can score points during a match and how referees confirm and count points earned by the team. This set of rules changes for every new season.

Piloting Mission Rules (PM)

These rules explain the Piloting Skills Mission, describe how drones can score points during a match, and how referees confirm and count points earned by the team. This set of rules changes for every new season.

Communications Mission Rules (C)

These rules along with the Judges Guide explain the Communications Mission and describe how teams can earn judged awards.  Most of these rules are consistent across seasons.

Drone Rules (D)

This set of rules provides constraints for drones that are legal to use in the Aerial Drone Competition. Most of these rules are consistent across seasons.

Safety Rules (S)

These rules provide the safety requirements for drones and humans at competitions. This set of rules rarely changes.

Competition Manual Sections

There are 11 Sections of the Competition Manual

  • Section 1 - Introduction
  • Section 2 - Definitions
  • Section 3 - General Competition and Tournament Rules
  • Section 4 - Teamwork Mission
  • Section 5 - Autonomous Flight Skills Mission
  • Section 6 - Piloting Skills Mission
  • Section 7 - Communications Mission
  • Section 8 - Drone Rules
  • Section 9 - Safety Rules
  • Section 10 - Teamwork Field Layout and Measurements
  • Section 11 - Skills Field Layout and Measurements

Section 1: Introduction

Includes background information about the GDC, the Competition Manual, and scheduled updates.

Section 2: Definitions

  • General Definitions - These include general definitions that are not Mission Specific.  Most of these definitions are consistent across seasons.
  • Field Element Definitions - These include definitions of the Field Elements that are used on the competition fields. They include measurements of the elements. Most of these definitions  are consistent across seasons.
  • Mission Specific Definitions - These include definitions that apply to the Missions of the current season.  These typically change each season.  Most of these definitions are consistent across seasons.

Section 3: General Competition and Tournament Rules 

Students, referees, coaches, and drone inspectors have to understand the rules in this section to ensure that drones at a competition meet the requirements (size, legal parts, etc.) of the game.

Section 4: Teamwork Mission

Students and referees must fully understand the rules in this section, which describes how Teamwork Mission matches are set up, run, and scored.

Section 5: Autonomous Flight Mission

Students and referees must fully understand the rules in this section, which describes how Autonomous Flight Skills matches are set up, run, and scored.

Section 6: Piloting Skills Mission

Students and referees must fully understand the rules in this section, which describes how Piloting Skills matches are set up, run, and scored.

Section 7: Communications Mission

Students and referees must fully understand the rules in this section along with the Judges Guide, Team Interview Rubric and Competition Logbook which describe the judging process and award descriptions.

Section 8: Drone Rules

Students, referees, coaches, and inspectors have to understand the rules that provide information about drone requirements.

Section 9: Safety Rules 

Students, referees, coaches, and inspectors have to understand the rules that provide safety requirements for drones and humans at competitions. 

Section 10: Teamwork Field Layout and Measurements

Event Partners and Referees must follow the details to set up the Teamwork Mission field and field elements.

Section 11: Skills Field Field Layout and Measurements

Event Partners and Referees must follow the details to set up the Skills Mission field and field elements.