Register for an Aerial Drone Competition

AerialDroneComp_LogoFinal_2-color REC Hori Drone Logo 1  (3) - Copy.png

Register Your Team

A team must pay an annual team registration fee for the season before they will be able to register for competition events. If your team is not already registered, read the REC Library Article: Registering an Aerial Drone Competition Team, for instructions

Register for Events

Each team can register to participate in one or more events during the season. Details of each scheduled event are updated throughout the season on  Events  include Workshops, Tournaments, Scrimmages, and Championship Events offer a variety of competition and learning opportunities for teams. 

Refer to Event Types and Formats for descriptions of each type of event.

To find events near you, visit and use the options on the left side to set filter parameters for your country and event region. Click on "Filter" at the bottom of the parameter options to identify matching events.

Registration fees vary by competition and region, but usually range from free scrimmages and workshops, to $50-$100 for qualifying events.  Championship events are typically higher in price.

Events can fill up quickly. Be sure to plan your season and register for events early so that students and their families can plan accordingly. If an event fills early, you can add your team to the Waitlist. Teams may be added to the event from the Waitlist as space allows.

Every event is run by a volunteer Event Partner (EP). Contact information for an event's EP is found on under the “General Info” tab. An event's EP is the resource for all event-based questions.

Note: Some events fill very quickly, and your event registration is only held or guaranteed for 5 minutes after it is added to the cart. You must complete your registration within that 5-minute period. Your event registration is not complete until you have finished the checkout process (either by completing payment or clicking pay later) and have received a registration confirmation message.

If an event capacity displays as "Full" in, but the team count shows spaces remaining, there may be active registrations that are still within the 5-minute completion timeframe.

Updated August 8, 2024