CoDrone EDU - Getting Started

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The CoDrone EDU from Robolink is an official drone of the Aerial Drone Competition. The drone is safe, durable and flexible, making it perfect for use inside the classroom and at Aerial Drone Competitions.  The Drone offers simple pairing, a stable signal, 7 sensors accessible by code, and free curriculum from Robolink.

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Getting Started with the CoDrone EDU

Whether you are a seasoned pilot or a beginner, this course will go through all of the drone basics, including safety and maintenance. Visit the Robolink website and access the free Getting Started course

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CoDrone EDU Pilot License

Once you have completed the lessons, take the test to earn your Certified CoDrone EDU pilot license here.  Be sure to include this in your competition logbook to show off to judges.

Coding Lessons

Learn the foundations of coding with drag-and-drop blocks in our visual programming language. This is an excellent starting place for beginner programmers and drone pilots. Visit the Robolink website and access the free Blocky Coding Course.

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Interested in using Python?  Access the python lessons here.

11 Troubleshooting Tips

Sometimes you'll run into situations where your drone isn't performing the way you expect. Maybe it's not taking off, maybe it's flying unexpectedly, or maybe your drone isn't pairing to Blockly. Robolink has shared 11 Troubleshooting Tips that will get you back up and flying quickly!

CoDrone EDU Questions?

Educators and coaches around the country are using the CoDrone EDU and have asked lots of questions.  Robolink has compiled a list and added them to the Help Section on their website. You will find answers to questions about firmware, pairing the drone, batteries, cables, and compatible devices. If you still don't have an answer, we recommend you email